Roofing Contractor Los Angeles | Get A Free Quote

Roof Inspections For Realtors

Don't let a roof inspection prevent the sale of a client's home. Top Roofing Inc. has over 20 years of experience working with Los Angeles realtors who represent sellers and buyers to address roofing concerns before the closing date.

Top Roofing Inc. offers a variety of realtor roofing services to fit your needs. Our roof inspections for realtors provide your clients with:

  • A full assessment of the roof
  • Comprehensive Roof Inspection Report

One of the first things a potential home-buyer and their lender will want to know is the condition of the roof. Having a "go-to" roofing contractor to provide a roof inspection will allow realtors to close potential buyers faster and easier – without the wait.

We will list all damage that will need to be repaired to bring a roof up to state standards. Top Roofing Inc. will also include an estimate of the repairs. 

The goal of a roof inspection is to:

  • Provide an assessment of a roof’s condition
  • Provide buyers with a list of repairs that should be completed
  • Have a reference of the roof’s condition upon sale
  • Provide a roof repair estimate to the buyer
  • Provide certification when applicable

Top Roofing Inc.'s realtor roofing services put your real estate agency first. Top Roofing Inc. has been servicing realtors and their clients in Los Angeles, CA for more than a decade — contact us today to schedule a roof inspection.