Dear Valued Customers,
With the high concern with COVID-19 (Coronavirus), we wanted to reach out and let you know the actions Top Roofing Inc. is taking during this time. First and foremost is the safety of our team and our customers.
- We have instructed all of our customer-facing staff to stay home if they are experiencing any of the effects that have been outlined by the CDC.
- The management team is keeping a close eye on our team to make sure of this.
- We have also instructed them to wash their hands often and after every visit to a job.
- They will not offer to shake hands with customers and will take extra precautions when working with our elderly and/or sick customers.
- Our sales team will be disinfecting their mobile devices before and after every interaction.
- They are equipped with sanitizer and have been instructed to use it often.
We recognize you will be spending more time in your home — and that last thing you’ll want to deal with is a leaky roof. Top Roofing Inc. is here to provide emergency roofing services to keep your family safe and comfortable.
We are also in close contact with our suppliers. At this time, we do not have any supply chain issues. We know that can change quickly and our suppliers are making extra efforts to keep the items we use most in stock.
We have been through many challenges over the years so we are no stranger to it. We will continue to do everything in our power to keep our customers safe and comfortable during this stressful time in our world. Thank you for being a Top Roofing Inc. customer. We will get through this together!
The Team at Top Roofing Inc.